Online dating versus PUA training

Posted: February 16, 2013 in Game, Relationships

Online dating versus PUA training

This infographic  has been put together as a after a survey with a select few reputable PUA trainer and online dating websites.


Single Guys, are you better off online dating or becoming a pick up artist?

Online dating versus pick up artists

Round one cost

PUA wins

A close match, but becoming a pick-up artist can literally cost nothing, however with internet dating you at least need internet access.

Realistically, to be successful in online dating you need to join a subscription based site – it’s simple maths. As women usually get in for free, the competition is much lower than free sites.F-buddy

I genuinely believe that the main investment a person needs to make is their time. Coaching should be used to provide the odd shortcut to success. –Hayley Quinn

Round two time

Online dating wins

Internet dating wins hands down in this round. While internet dating may require a fair amount of time to send out messages and go on dates, learning pick-up is like training in a martial art.

Our members tend to fall into two categories: they either spend 1-5 hours a week and find someone within a couple of months, or stay on the site for a longer period enjoying multiple relationships.– Friends with benefits

Every student we’ve ever had reported an improvement within 3-6 months at the latest, and reached at least one important milestone within one year should this be least? –Sasha PUA

Round three quality

PUA wins

Online attractive women are bombarded by messages, in real life men rarely have the balls to hit on women. So by a long shot PUAs have a wider selection and considerable less competition.

Women rule on the internet, able to effectively have harems of eligible men. Bizarrely, on our site, few men seem to be complaining. – Slapper dating

Online photo’s of the girl is very often better than she looks in real life. Just by approaching (in real life) the guy has the opportunity to stand out, putting him above 80% of guys. –Authentic PUA

Round four compatability

Online dating wins

Trying to find a geeky, vegetarian redhead who enjoys the work of Chuck Palahniuk, in your local bar is hard work. Online, however, they are just a click away. Online dating wins the compatibility round.

For someone who’s religion is a big part of their life the internet dating is a god send. Religious community often tend to be fairly widely spread these days.– Christian dating

If they are looking for a Bangladeshi woman, of 23 years of age who is 6ft 1 inch tall, F1 racing and studies NLP, with an IQ of 170, then they may struggle and no amount of £s spent is going to make any difference – Steve Jabba Authentic PUA



The outcome is a tie, online dating is very much centered around finding someone who is a good match for you and in this case is an immensely effective tool. Alternatively, pick-up concentrates more on guys learning how to be attractive to women and teaches them how to act in the real world. Neither are completely inseparable; someone who is used to internet dating could learn a thing or two from pick-up artists to increase their success, and pick-up artists might find someone they are more compatible with over physical attraction if they took their skills online.

Online dating and PUA methodology have an overlap – they’re not mutually exclusive. I believe that both arenas can be used to create maximum benefit to the individual.Hayley Quinn

Here are the thank yous!

Friends with benefits:

A website aimed at people enjoying all the thrill of racy pleasure, combined with care and mutual trust you find in a friend. With free to sign-up service, user friendly website and more member joining all the time. It’ll revolutionise the way you think of sex with no commitments, and create a much more time for you to have fun.

Authentic PUA:

AuthenticPUA was founded by Steve Jabba is a Natural that taught first hand some of the big names in the PUA industry – including the CEO of the largest PUA company in Europe – PUA Training. If you train with Steve, you get all the original knowledge straight from the source, at a cheaper cost.

F buddy:

A dating website for people looking for ‘no strings attached’ sex is now officially the fastest growing dating site in the UK. F-Buddy had more visitors in August 2012 than Cupid, eHarmony or DatingDirect, putting it at 11th amongst most active online dating websites.

Hayley Quinn:

Hayley Quinn we believe that everyone is different, and needs a unique solution to create the dating life they want. Hayley and her all female team of ‘wing girls’ work methodically with everyone we encounter to ensure that they receive the individual support they need to achieve real dating success.

Slapper dating:

Little effort and with the maximum fun is the motto of this website. For both the Slappers and the men who love them! And that’s just the beginning. With our male members regularly telling us “this site has the horniest women in the UK” and our Slappers being inundated with saucy requests,

Sasha PUA:

The biggest and best Direct Daygame company in the world. That means we teach guys how to use the power of honesty to connect with beautiful women in everyday situations in a natural, authentic way.

Christian dating:

Niche Online dating site dedicated to people of the Christian faith. You can share your personal witness, pray for others, request others pray for you, and increase your faith through praise and worship with other Believers.

Beckster seduction:

Beckster has been at the forefront of the Uk Seduction Industry for some 15 years now. During that time, as well as training most of the best known of the Uk Dating Coaches, Beckster has also become both a collaborator and friend to the most famous and illustrious of his worldwide contemporaries including Mystery , Ross Jeffries and Neil Strauss.

(And if you haven’t got it yet yes this is a tribute to the awesome Capcom game series Street Fighter)

  1. thebody@ says:


    Roissy must be rolling in his grave

  2. Hahaha this is awesome. Very entertaining post.

  3. Socialkenny says:

    I wonder why am I missing or not getting updates of you new posts.

    Funny stuff here though. Absolutely the best piece of graphical imagery to display social dynamics vs online dating.

  4. thebody@ says:

    Online dating is not working for me (thus far), so maybe I should try this PUA stuff.
    As the old cliche goes ,”There’s no harm in trying”

  5. ***ing LOL, I can feel myself getting beta reading that infograph. Online dating is usually reserve for beta males and fat women. Leave plenty of fish and okcupid to the dregs of society. It’s time to go out and ***** bitches, playa.

    • If the reason you are doing online dating is because your too scared of the hitting on girls in real life then that is beta as hell. The hottest women I’ve slept with have been through meeting in the real world, but online I dating some really cool girl that come pretty damm close.

      Some of the biggest beta suck up I’ve met have classed themselves as PUAs, so many of them complete identity is dependent on approval from women and for what other men think of them because they can hook up with bar skanks.

      This is why my infographic is flawed; it’s comparing apples to pears. The Method you meet the women is immaterial, the quality is pretty much the only useful indication of Alphaness and usually PUAs win out on that part because they learn the skills required to attract that kind of women.

      • Arne says:

        This ‘alpha male’ stuff is really irritating. An alpha male is a male who has leadership abilities… one whom other people are willing to follow. That’s it.

        It has nothing to do with success with women

    • thebody@ says:

      ***ing LOL. Jake, stop trying to be Roissy and start being you

  6. stevejabba says:

    Hey man,

    I’ve been waiting for this to appear! Great stuff. Love the infographics too and the Streetfighter theme…

    Great piece of work…


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